Iven Kawenda's profile

Experience 5 Senses Project

Quarter Life Crisis happens on your second and third decade when you’re expected to be a mature and autonomous human being during a time. It’s a period of anxiety and feel doubtful about their own lives that often accompanies the transition to adulthood. Three major problems that teenagers have are about future, finance, and relationship. 

Quarter Life Crisis is something that only can be solved by target. Therefore the objective of this problem is to overcome the panic, deppresed and anxiety feeling casued by Quarter Life Crisis. 

To overcome the feeling caused by Quarter Life Crisis, audiences are approached with their five human senses. Research has noted that our moods are affected the most by what we take in through our senses. What we smell, hear, see, feel, and taste are processed neurobiol- ogically, but emotionally as well. 

Logo Design 
5 Senses Icon
Short Movie

In this short movie, three people are shown having their different problems. However they never want to share it to each other because they feel shame. Lastly, the scene will be rewinded to show what happen if they share the problems. 

The message of this movie is telling that it is normal to have those problems during their age and teenagers do not have to feel shame. Then this short movie is paired with a instrumental music that give audiences deep relaxing feeling.

Panic Kit

To approach audiences’ sense of smell, taste, and feel; a compat panic kit is designed so target can easily use it when they feel panic or anxious. Inside of the box are chocolate, aromatherapy and tea bag. The box of the kit also can be used as decoration in the table with the quotes the remind the target. 

Exhibition Day

Experience 5 Senses Project

Experience 5 Senses Project

This is one of personal project from my university. In this project the topic that i choose is Quarter Life Crisis. When at the end of the projec Read More
