SSRS Managment tool
SSRS Helper is a Windows WPF based application leveraging the SSRS web service to simplify some common tasks such as the comparison of the objects on 2 different servers, download of all objects from a server and the mass upload of objects to a server by persons without BIDs access. The tool goes a step further by defining a SSRS_Schema_Object which can define any SSRS element in a serialize-able form making for easy comparison of two servers and simple packaging and deployment via msi of SSRS elements i.e. DataSources, Reports, DataSourceRefrences, etc.
Above; a screen shot of the helper menu from left to right the upper buttons are:
Upload; uploads a .rsxml file being the serialization of a SSRS_Schema_Object
Compare; selects and compares two SSRS servers and their objects as seen below
Download; pulls down a copy of all relevant items on the selected server and saves them to disk in a folder structure relative to that of the server its self. Note Reports are stored as .RDL data sources are stored as .RDS and .DataSourceDefinition.xml in order to describe the shared and specific data source elements. In addition the download process creates a Manifest.txt file which details the various states of every object on the server including creation and modification dates and authors, etc.

Note: some text has been blurred to protect sensitive information.
Above is the comparison window which renders a selectable list of every item on each server as well as a list of items that exist on the source server but are missing or different on the subject server. Selecting an item from source or subject populates item details under the respective list; selecting an item from the "Different Items" list populates the details of both items if available such as in the case of matching data sources with different credentials or connection strings.
SSRS Helper

SSRS Helper

Simple admin tool for SSRS to simplify download of, deployment of and comparison of SSRS objects.
