Print Re:Vival 
The Printessentials ::  For the love of Print 
This information kit, Printessentials, aims to clarify, build confidence, inspire creativity and identity opportunities in the world of Print and Paper. Written & Designed by myself the kit has an array of communication mediums to share ideas in the most interactive and exciting formats. Design pieces range from postcards, packaging, booklets, logo design, paper construction & research- to even a message in a bottle. This project suppresses rumors, it shares the facts and overall embraces the amazing medium to boost a Print Re:Vival. 
Above: The Printessentials is interactive the moment it is delivered. The white wrap has to be signed, stamped, dated and ripped open before you can open the box. This gives them a connection and a feeling of ownership even before they have begun delving inside. 
The Printessentials tears up misconceptions about print, explores the importance of paper & takes you on a journey of visual and tactile play. 
Stock City: A new way of collecting and interacting with paper stocks. Instead of having a pile of swatch books, studios can build their stock cities. The bigger the building; the higher the gsm, and the speciality stocks are the more unique buildings. This creates excitement around paper and encourages interaction with the stocks; not to mention the paper sculpture that grows as you collect more. 
Print Re:Vival Campaign