Scenes from Albania
We traveled all over Albania when we lived there, and had such adventures.  Three maps and a GPS -- and rarely did they show the same roads -- and frequently they didn't coincide with the roads we were on.  We knew when we were in the south that if we headed north we would find Tirana.  If we were in the north, we knew if we headed south we would find Tirana.  We stopped frequently so I could ask, in Albanian, "where is the road to Tirana?"  I'm not sure why this question elicited so many giggles, but people were helpful nonetheless.  We had such fun enjoying the people, sights, and food as we traveled.  

I hope you enjoy the images in this gallery, along with the images in the Marubi gallery.  
Albania Scenes

Albania Scenes

This portfolio contains some of my favorite images of Albania. We traveled all over the country.
