Evgenia Drouga's profileMaria Papaefstathiou's profile

Η ΔΙΑΤΡΟΦΗ ΣΤΗ ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ / The diet in the fasting

In this book the author presents a systematic way the important ones that need to know about nutrition during fasting, while offering us delicious recipes tested for years by the same author in the daily life of her family. This combination of scientific knowledge and lived experience makes the book unique.

Discover the book here: http://goo.gl/HC5Ohh
Written by Karakasidou Giota
Cover design by Maria Papaefstathiou
Book inner pages design and sketches by Evgenia Drouga
Η ΔΙΑΤΡΟΦΗ ΣΤΗ ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ / The diet in the fasting

Η ΔΙΑΤΡΟΦΗ ΣΤΗ ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ / The diet in the fasting

A book about the diet in the fasting.
