This was my first time shooting dancers. Such a great experience!
This year, Photoville had a workshop on dance photography and it was beautiful to capture these dancers in motion. Getting the perfect blurry movements was challenging but truly worth it. Still, I have to confess, capturing the feelings of these artists was my favorite thing to portray in close ups.
That's me, always looking for feelings and expressions to transmit,
not only of faces but also of poses, shapes and bodies.

Thanks Ebbe Sweet and Photoville for this great opportunity.
Dancers: Tara Langdon, Zoe McNeil, Joe Davis, Diamond Ancion, Olivia Mae Frasco and Jesse Obremski.
Life in Motion

Life in Motion

This was my first time shooting dancers. Such a great experience! This year, Photoville had a workshop on dance photography and it was beautiful Read More
