He looks a little feminine for Batman, but here's my first detailed Batman smile emoticon Quite proud of this one. His outfit/ bat suit is based on Arkham Knight, the new Batman game. Had to use a couple of references and it took some time to get the armour to a point a felt at least a little bit satisfied, but here's Batman. 
'I am vengeance. 
I am the night. 
I am Batman' - Batman 
~ Creative Blossom
This one I did have to use a reference, but it's one of the few Batmobile takedowns he can do in the Arkham Knight game, during a street fight. This one was my favourite (don't ask why because I don't know), but it was when he basically does a flip. 
Jason Todd AKA Red Hood; I was so happy to find out that he was in Arkham Knight. I really loved the design he was given in the game.I am pretty much in love with the design ^^ I did actually have to use a reference for this, though not from the game (I think I found it on Tumblr).
Shy Bats 
One of my favourite pieces that I have done - I call it Watching Over His City. 
Wanted to draw Bats on his usual perch; done from memory. I'm not very good at backgrounds, so just ignore that. I decided to also include some scars, cause who isn't gonna end up with scars after getting into as many fights as he does? 
Bats and Birds (Batman and Robin) 


The artwork that I have done featuring Batman or Batman related characters (DC characters in other words)
