This project was a collaboration between myself, the visual communicator and Kirsti Rivett, the copywriter.
This brief required us to design our own brand for a tangible publication as well as be
designed for a touch screen device.
In researching a topic of interest to create our publication, we realised we wanted to create
a publication that stands out, gets noticed and sparks debates and discussions among
those it reaches. We came up with the concept of ‘Dangerous Disputes’, involving
expressing recent debatable topics and opinions on extremely questionable and often
sensitive subject matter. The topics are dangerous because they have the control to cause
an upset in those who read or hear about it as well as create hype around these taboo
topics of discussion.
Our key insights found were that most people are too afraid to voice their opinions on
controversial topics, thoughts or subject matter. Another key insight was that there isn’t
currently a popular publication that celebrates controversy in a debated or uncensored
way. We have named our publication; Moot. A dictionary definition of moot is to raise a question
or topic for discussion; suggest an idea or possibility or to introduce any subject for
discussion. The inspiration for this publication was born from the fascination of the
unspoken thoughts that enter our minds on a daily basis. After being inspired by the taboo
thoughts that one has, we thought of names that could represent our publication in all that
it stands for. We came to the conclusion that the word Moot was the most appropriate and
supportive word to define our publication. The word Moot clearly defines what our
publication is communicating. Moot is opinionated, dangerous in its’ content and extremely controversial. The tone is
straightforward, yet factual and classy, creating a juxtaposition in the way that it is
packaged. Moot’s values are one-sided, aiming to always make their audience question
the content as well as leaving them a little stunned by what they read. Moot encourages
readers to participate in conversation and debate about the articles.
Credit: Kirsti Rivett
Publication Design

Publication Design

This is a publication design aimed to spark discourse among the youth in order for them to wake up and start questioning anything and everything Read More
