Design for London, Technical University Berlin 
Initiated by the Technical University Berlin and adjusted to a London audience by Design for London this exhibition celebrates the centenary of the Great Town Planning Exhibition, held 1910 in Berlin. It compares urban planning projects in four metropolitan regions – Berlin, London, Paris and Chicago – from 1910 and today. The exhibition was held in a yet untenanted work/retail unit in one of London's largest and controversial urban development projects in Dalston.
The design follows a strictly utilitarian approach and spatially as well as typographically divides 1910 and 2010 projects, whilst allowing cross references through spatial proximity. Building site scaffolding has been used as display structures throughout the exhibition.
With Siâron Hughes, Niki Lampaski
Photography by Adam Laycock, Cordelia Polinna, Axel Feldmann
City Visions 1910 | 2010

City Visions 1910 | 2010

Exhibition Design for City Visions 1910 | 2010, London.
