The above images are secondary research that I found nspirational and relevent to my design brief.
Below I have attached a link that will bring you to my board I created on pinterest highlighting my influences.
I took this photograph recently as I feel this fountain reflects an important time and the beginning of new things.
This fountain was made in 1874 to honour leading linen merchant Daniel Joseph Jaffé, originally from Germany, he visited Belfastin 1845 in order to purchase linen to sell from Germany, it was then he was persuaded to move to Belfast to create his own linen house. Five years later he moved to the city and built Belfast's first Synagogue. He was an important figure of the 20th century and his family played a huge role in the industry and the council of Belfast. I will incorperate this fountai in my design to reflect its importance and relevance within the industry.
Below is my step by step guide for my poster design and an evaluation of my work.
Step 1- Background
Cobble roads are still a bitter sweet treat throughout belfast, they’re a reminder of earlier times in our city. I wanted to incorperate this through my final design, and I have opted to create a background that depicts this in a more futurist style.
This is an image I previously created for another project; I made some adjustments and enhanced the image to create a 3d effect to produce a better outcome and a more realistic cobble effect.
Step 2-
The above images are my primary research and materials that I feel best represent evocative Belfast for me, through the use of photoshop I placed each image in a neat format, enhanced the images to create an overall filter sharpenign and focsuing the images.I then applied the vignette filter, adjusting accordingly to create a more focused view and create a more 3D effect.
 Step 4-
This is an original sketch placed over my enhanced background, I wanted to have an alternative view of a different layout for my poster design, through the use of a tranparent background I was able to create this realistic style of the models over the cobble road. I had some minor constraints which led me to reevaluate the layout of the design brief. Therefore I removed the sketch I scanned in, applied the relevant images in a neat foramt as previouslt shown above, then I placed the sketch over the top, I feel this created a 3D effect and produced a more sophistacted look.
Step 5- Finishing toucheS, I added in the text for my poster, I feel this type of font used Evocative Belfast- (AR Darling) within my poster would create a unique finishing touch to the overall project, reflecting the past with a modern influence. The colour of the font creates a project, 3D effect on its own complimetning the overall design. The use of the font for (Lapis design studio) was merely a proffesional finish and the colouring used was simply to highlight and draw more attention to the label.
Evocative Belfast

Evocative Belfast

Poster for Evocative Belfast
