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Wedding Genealogy Charts

Wedding Genealogy Charts
Infographics illustrating how the wedded couple are related to their guests.

Wedding genealogies are customized charts, similar to a family tree, that detail the relationships of the wedded couple to their guests. Great for a cocktail hour or reception, these charts fill guests in on who’s a friend from childhood, a neighbor, a family member, and more. Couples can customize the chart best suited to the style and environment of their wedding, and keep the diagram afterwards as a unique piece of memorabilia.

The Wedding Tree, Photography by Mélangerie Inc.
The Wedding Lineage, Photography by Mélangerie Inc.
Who's Who, Photography by Mélangerie Inc.
Who's Who Genealogy on reverse of "What's Where" Weekend Guide. Photography by Mélangerie Inc.
The Wedding Bouquet, Photography by Mélangerie Inc.
The Wedding Chandelier, Photography by Karen Mordechai.
Wedding Constellations, Photography by Mélangerie Inc.
Tie the Knot Genealogy, Photography by Mélangerie Inc.
Six Degrees Genealogy, Photography by Mélangerie Inc.
Bespoke "Persian Rug" Genealogy Chart. Photography by Mélangerie Inc.
Six Degrees Genealogy at the Wedding, Photo by Tracey Turpen Photography.
Wedding Genealogy Charts

Wedding Genealogy Charts

Wedding genealogies are customized charts, similar to a family tree, that detail the relationships of the wedded couple to their guests. Great fo Read More
