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Make-A-Wish Bear

A fictional study on brand integration. The project explores the process of logo modification, its product applications (including print and web advertisement).
Make-A-Wish Foundation partnered with Vermont Teddy Bear Company in this fictional project* to create a new line of teddy bears products. The logo design of each brand was carefully studied in order to create a design that would bring separate entities together.
*All products and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. This project is purely experimental and no profit is being made from it. There is no affiliation or endorsement by these entities.
Original logos of each entity.
Thumbnail sketches developed using the Procreate iPad app.
Tight sketches developed using the Procreate iPad app.
The look and feel of the modified logo keeps the core characteristics found in the logos of both Vermont Teddy Bear Company and Make-A-Wish Foundation. Blue from Make-A-Wish Foundation was transferred to the new design. The digital rendering of the teddy bear evokes tenderness, just like the original. The start shape meshes well with both companies since it’s in the core design. A texture was applied to all graphic elements and the typographic treatment evokes a whimsical look and feel. The seal design was kept to sustain the branding used by Vermont Teddy Bear.
From the to right, top to bottom: Modified logo (for print and web), spot color alternative )for screen printing) and grayscale alternative (for black and white devices)
Product brochure (top image) and sample inside pages (bottom images shown as spreads). Public domain images were use in this fictional study.
Direct mail piece. ​Public domain images were use in this fictional study.
Product brochure (top image) and sample inside pages (bottom images shown as spreads). Public domain images were use in this fictional study.
Make-A-Wish Bear

Make-A-Wish Bear

A study on brand integration. This project explores the process of logo modification, its product applications and advertisement through print an Read More
