His name is Thum. He's Thai. He's a gay kid and he's cute.
I love kids and I love taking photos of them as much as I love taking photos of landscapes.
He's so cute. He asked me for a candy so I took my camera and took a photo while holding up his lollipop.
Kids and furs! 
Before this photo, this kid was screaming and crying at the same time. His mom is super patient! How touching.
This is a weird photo. The smaller kid, he's super grumpy! I never saw him smile. The other kid, he's gay. He was flapping his hands everywhere.
This is Clark and he's my first ever nephew. He's an adorable baby. 
Colors are great! Colored balloons are better! 
This raft had 6 different nationalities represented onboard: Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Viet, Filipino, Malay, and American. 
This is the lamest theme park ride ever! 
This is our new baby bunny. He's the cutest rabbit ever!
Go LoMo

Go LoMo

This is my Lomography Portfolio.


Creative Fields