Punto y seguido
Master final project

This was my master final project, is a responsive website in which students could access to free classes in return of a breakfast, lunch or beer. By this platform students could access to free classes and meet new people. ​​​​​​​
My Role

We where 4 UX/UI designers and developers, my main role was more focused on UX/UI than in the web developer side. I had the chance to put my hands on User research and also UI wise. 

The process

We needed to understand our users which were there needs and also which was going to be the business model of our product. We started creating low mockups, sketches and testing them and get feedback. We used techniques such as Card Sorting, labs experience, video testing etc. ​​​​​​​
We were working with Agile, so we needed to create the user stories and work on sprints of two weeks. This was an 8 months project. 
Take a look to the final website: Punto y seguido
UX/UI design

UX/UI design

Diseño de plataforma pura y exclusivamente orientada a creativos. El principal target son estudiantes y recién graduados de Barcelona. Una plataf Read More
