Less is Green
Less is Green
A Sustainable Identity System
We were commissioned to create the visual identity of the Institute for Sustainable Production (IPS). The task was to apply sustainability idea to brand identity design. But how can be a brand visual identity sustainable? Making a renewable, recyclable, and reusable and environmentally responsible flexible system.

“To do more with less" is an important aspect of sustainability. That is why the development of this visual system it has been designed from basic and combinables shapes. In this way the result is always simple and functional. This system is recyclable because the same shape can be combined with others creating new shapes. Renewable, since high capacity of combination of shapes allows the creation of multiple graphics. Reusable because the same shape can be used in several occasions throughout the life of the brand.

"Designing with hands"
The Brand Kit
The Brand Kit has three main tools and are made to know, understand, generate and apply the visual identity to countless media and formats:
BrandBox: It’s the main tool. These wooden pieces are made to play with hands and to generate new graphics easily. The choice of wood was due to it is a renewable raw material. Also, the act of create new graphics, it’s a sustainable act in itself because there is no need of electricity neither creates any waste.
BrandApp: An app to convert physical graphics into digital ready-to-use file. Once the graphic is designed —with BrandBox shapes— we can use the app to reproduce it and export the file in several sizes and formats.
BrandPaper: The new and sustainable version of classic brand book. Brand elements, how to create graphics, motion-graphics or illustration style… everything is inside the BrandPaper. Printed with ecological inks and certified recycled paper in single sheets which allows be easily updated.
How to use this tools
step 1 → Read the BrandPaper and learn how to create new brand elements
step 2 → Open and take out the wooden pieces of the box
step 3 → Play with shapes until find the form you like
step 4 → Use the BrandApp to create and use the shape
And it's ready to use!
Making of
Some animated icons
Main stationary
Thanks for watching
Less is Green


Less is Green

Dosdecadatres were commissioned to create the visual identity of the Institute for Sustainable Production (IPS). The task was to apply sustainabi Read More
