PULSE: an assistive technology for Hearing-Impaired

By Monica Possel, Aline Bertoldi, Márcia Hentges e Simone Cervantes

The sound has an important role in social interaction and through the PULSE this interaction is enhanced. The PULSE suggestion is to offer the user the sound information of the environment in which it is by sensory inputs, therefore, the artifact is in the shape of a bracelet, with a display that visually informs the distance, the type of sound and the decibel, and its direction. Its main functionality is to emit vibrations when it detects any kind of sound. Some noises are automatically recognized and then, are visually indicated through representative icons, thereby, when a sound is recognized, the icon is shown on the display device. The user “wears” the PULedesign of on-air imaging of the alternative music channel MK. Some of SA's top bands were used as MK brand ambassadors to communicate the ethos or vibe of the channel.

This project took second place in the IxDA Awards in the choice by popular vote.


Many day-to-day activites demand all senses to the experience of doing it may be complete. The PULSE users feels the sensory inputs to the skin, that is, the user feel sensory inputs through a bracelet that vibrates when pick up noise from the ambient.Thus, the user can notice when someone calls and even when handling appliances that emit sound signals during its operation, well as detecting the sound signals emitted in all transport routes by providing them greater safety. The PULSE provides new experiences and sensations during leisure activities in which the sound perception enhances this experience. For example, in using the device, the user could "hear" when his dog barks, or, while the user is playing sports, will be easier to interact with others players.

IMPACT The sounds emit relevant information in order that social interactions occurs, and the PULSE allows the assimilation of these sound information by those who are hearing impaired, the user feels the sensory inputs of the environment as the device is shaped like a bracelet that vibrates when capture noises. When using PULSE, the hearing impaired have stimulated new sensations that allow greater interaction with the environment and people, as this device translates the environment sounds sensory inputs, other words, small vibrations that vary in intensity and range in accordance with the existing sound inputs. The PULSE users are encouraged to perform the tasks of day-to-day with greater safety, because this device provides information that helps in performing activities that depend of emitting sounds, enabling increased efficiency and efficacy while performing these activities.

The PULSE consists in a bracelet that signalize noises that vibrates according to the sound inputs of the environment in which the user is inserted, this bracelet is made of PVC, the polyvinyl chloride plastic, because it is a versatile material that adapts to a variety of colors and textures, it’ss durable and can be recycled. It features an LED display that tells the user the noise source proximity, because the main functionality is to identify sound inputs and send alerts when it detects noises. The display screen informs the distance from the noise, the noise decibels and the type of sound recognized, some sounds are automatically recognized and indicated by representative icons, other sounds can be registered as the user's preference and need. The vibrations are caused by the same device used in mobile phones and vibrations are stimulated by a device that picks up sound, the closer the user is from the noise source, the greater the vibrations intensity, as well as the interval between them.
PULSE, the video. 
PULSE, the product.
Traffic: recognizes the sounds of alarms and sirens and translate the sound stimuli into vibrations, providing a safer traffic.
Phone ring: recognizes through the vibrations and the display shows an icon that represents a phone ring.
Ringtone: recognizes when a new guest arrives.
Arduino prototype


The PULSE suggestion is to offer the user the sound information of the environment in which it is by sensory inputs, therefore, the artifact is i Read More
