1. a forceful character | the character of a town: personality, nature, disposition, temperament, temper, mentality, makeup; features, qualities, properties, traits; spirit, essence, identity, ethos, complexion, tone, feel, feeling.
2. a woman of character: integrity, honor, moral strength, moral fiber, rectitude, uprightness; fortitude, strength, backbone, resolve, grit, willpower; informal guts, gutsiness.
3. a stain on his character: reputation, name, good name, standing, stature, position, status.
4.informal a bit of a character: eccentric, oddity, madcap, crank, individualist, nonconformist, rare bird, free spirit; informal oddball.
5. a boorish character: person, man, woman, soul, creature, individual, customer.
6. the characters develop throughout the play: persona, role, part; (characters) dramatis personae.


Character design


Creative Fields