Leo Franchi's profile

Empty Nest

Motion Graphics
Empty Nest / Nido Vacio
I was invited to participate on Elevation’s monthly animation installment. My month was May, so the idea was to work with concept of "Mother's Day", where a bird feeds and cares their baby birds while they grow. Soon, they will open the wings, ready to fly.
Fui invitado para participar en un calendario animado junto a otros 11 animadores. Cada uno debía trabajar sobre un evento de un determinado mes. El mío fue Mayo y en Estados Unidos se celebra el Día de la Madre, por lo que trabajé una idea donde un ave alimenta y cuida a sus crías mientras ellas crecen. Pronto abrirán las alas, listas para volar.
Elevation is a brand development and design and motion agency serving television networks, advertising agencies, production companies and brands, based in Atlanta.
About the production, I animated the birds with lot of brushes in photoshop. The goal was to do several loops and combine them. For this, the initial position of the bird was the same in each loop. Then in after effects, I added additional elements and did the final composition. Also, I created for this project an original animated type called “lolog”.
Animation Tests
Design / Type / Colors / References
Final Frames

Empty Nest - Nido Vacio
Direction, Design and Animation: Leonardo Garcia Franchi
Additional Design: Nadia Altaparro
Year: 2014

Production Company: Elevation
Creative Director: Stephen Cocks
Sound Designer: Andrew Scott
Producer: Fernanda Martin

Music: GregMusic
References: Original photos by Paulo Brandao, Bill William and Vincent Van Zalinge via Unsplash

More info about the project: www.lacar.tv

* Featured on Behance's Motion Graphics Served
* Officially Selected for the II International Film Minute Festival "Cineminuto", Argentina
* Featured on DesignCollectorTv
Empty Nest

Empty Nest

I was invited to participate on Elevation’s monthly animation installment. My month was May, so the idea was to work with concept of "Mother's Da Read More
