Dan Gregory's profile

Art Direction - Photography

For this project, I was asked to produce a rendition of a famous art director's work and also a famous artists work through photography. The aims of this particular project was to show that I could direct and make creative decisions on several things including lighting, composition and background, prop and people management.
I was chosen to produce a rendition of a Leonardo Da Vinci and Erwin Blumenfeld work.
The Last Supper - Da Vinci
A graphics studio rendition of the masterpiece. I'd asked my course and flatmates to pose as the characters and to also dress in same or similar colours as the persons in the painting. The poses were directed to be very similar to the original. The idea of this picture was to have the Jesus in the middle, to be the creative director of the studio and everyone around to be reacting in their own ways to the decisions he is making.
Studio lighting was set up to produce the light/shadow effects in the picture and posters and drawings on the walls were added in post production.
Show Your Support for the Red Cross - Erwin Blumenfeld
A rendition of the shot featured in Vogue magazine and one of Blumenfeld's most revered works. The silhouette look of the woman featured in the original is something I'd considered to achieve in a few ways, post-production, black clothing or some sort of filter over the lighting. I had borrowed a big piece of transparent perspex and bought some red (sort of opaque) plastic and wanted these to block the lighting and hence, create the silhouette look.
I think that the technique proved successful. Studio lighting was set up and the model had pressed herself up against the perspex to create the semi-detailed silhouette. Small post-production adjustments were made to sharpen the image and straighten the cuts of the red plastic, which was slightly crooked.
Setting up and Out-takes
Art Direction - Photography

Art Direction - Photography

Art and Direction module for Lv5
