Form Magazine
A magazine celebrating international form-giving.
FORM Magazine was designed for a class assignment at SCAD for "Typographic Communication" in Fall 2010. We were given the assignment to create a 40 page magazine that featured interviews with 6 designers from different disciplines. Thinking about what these designers might have in common, I came up with the concept of form-giving, something that all designers do with their own specific media. Being an international student at SCAD, it was also important to me to add international diversity, to applaud design as the world-wide language that it became for me.
All interviews were taken from other publications, as well as most of the images - unless otherwise noted. My work consists of the layout and the typographic treatment of the articles, as well as the curation of the content, not the creation of content itself.

The magazine cover, kept simple and clean.
 The table of contents, also giving an overview where the featured designers are from.
 Cover for one of the stories. They all feature a full bleed image with the artist's name and geographic origin 
Spread showcasing a great piece by Fabio Sasso
The spread with the interview with Kenya Hara was intended to draw the focus to his philosophy, hence the use of less imagery
The layout of the spread about John Langdon allowed to juxtapose his beautiful artwork for Dan Brown with a more modern piece about Helvetica
For the title story, questions were set in pink instead of light grey - a subtle differentiation to make the title story stand out.
FORM Magazine

FORM Magazine

The project was part of the class Typographic Communication at SCAD during fall quarter 2010.
