An Architectural rewriting
Architectural storyteller is a project that currently consists in about 25 works made through the use of images that I personally shoot during my comings and goings with the addition of architectural volumes and guides. More than a collection of images, I understand this  work as a real  writing divided into chapters forming a tale.

A tightened, analytical and whether even ironic writing. I write about space, time and being, by analyzing the "here and now". all work consists of images taken from absolutely different context but linked through a process of visual  mitigation going to look for an overall result as homogeneous as possible.
the element so far that is always there  is new york (megalopolis)  to represent the extreme “vertical" by definition of our society, put in connection with other elements (situations):  architectural,  landscape or historical elements or, again, related to common places (religion).
This project  of continuously reset (tabula rasa) and reconstruction (stratification) depends, I believe,  more by  my experience and my origins; I’m from Montecassino, a town known for its role during the second world war; it was razed by bombs and then rebuilt in the 50's in some sort of mixing of various historical / architectural elements.
in summary, architectural storyteller is a story made up of different stories deconstructed and then stitched together, with the intent to create a text formally homogeneous. in fact the main stylistic rather than visual mold are due to a literary matrix (Calvino, Sanguineti, Ginsberg, Corso, Ferlinghetti ...)
"Serapo New York | New Horizons"
mixed media
"New York Gaeta New York | One Way"
mixed media
"Caieta | The Seaside machine"
mixed media
"Hudson Review | One More"
mixed media
Pastena [fr] Liberty Island | Architectural Bases for Freedom
mixed media
"Gaeta Long Island | Nemo Propheta in Patria"
mixed media
"Minturno Manhattan | The Hotel and the Sea"
mixed media
Minturno Atina New York | People Container
mixed media
"New York Cetara Ravello |  What a Wonderful Show
Mixed Media
Rome_Serapo_Aquinum | Don't forget the ruins [and the ball]
Mixed Media
New York_Rome | Hungry for Freedom
Mixed Media
Architectural Storyteller

Architectural Storyteller

Architectural storyteller is a project that currently consists in about 25 works made through the use of images that I personally shoot during my Read More
