Evereve .enetics
CD cover for a german cyber - goth band (2002.)
The term Gothic Rock/ Dark Metal is a dispensable one. In the course of their band history, EverEve have already covered several different phases of this genre. The key to master such a tightrope walk, creating more of an EvereEve trademark sound instead of confusion, is the bands diversity. For ongoing progress on their fifth album “ .enetics – 11 Orgies Of Massenjoyment On The Dark Side Of The Planet” it seems the five Germans drained all their musical roots: “ This Heart” delivers melodic CYGOROME ( Cyber Goth Rock Metal ), “ Abraza La Luz” does not only because of the Spanish lyrics spread mediterranean flair, then again “ Her Last Summer” comes your way carrying a Finnish – melancholic vibe and “Along Comes A Fool” appears to be more NuMetal compatible with it’s choppy guitars and electronic insertions. Even a pop oriented song like “ Silvergod” doesn’t miss one bit of that E – identity and MZ Eve 51’s charismatic vocals also make sure no one gets lost.
Evereve .enetics

Evereve .enetics

CD cover and booklet layout for an german metal band.
