National competition:
Kartostrip - New ideas for communicating.
Sponsored by AIAP (Italian Association for Visual Communication).
Competition organized by the company Arc En Ciel s.c.r.l.
Second prize winner
Project development
In developing the proposals for use of the "Kartostrip", first we proceeded to the choice of subject communicator. This subject has been identified in an educational institution.
The communication has a key role today in the school: inside for the spread, among the teachers, students and other operators, institutional information, educational content and cultural; externally to make known the educational institution and its courses and disciplines, as well as communicate to maintain an ongoing dialogue with citizens and especially with users, students and parents
Just in external communication, the Kartostrip is a great tool for both the institutional communication, upholding general information about the school, as well as for communication of school events, class councils etc., special events organized by the school (conferences, exhibitions) and communications school parents The characteristics of the Kartostrip are well suited for this purpose, since the outside from the space to the graphic customization, creating a means of communication coordinated visual identity, that the school should have, while the internal part represents the space for the specific message , renewed from time to time.
Last but not least, the possibility offered by Kartostrip, to close the message area, it is very useful for confidential communications between the school and the family, adapting to the needs of protection of privacy.
In developing the project, he has taken such a Lyceum, in which they occur, trademark, address and phone numbers, which are completely fictional.
The Liceo Torquato Tasso of Salerno is completely unrelated to the project.
In the next project we are formulated five proposals usage Kartostrip, relating to:
1- Institutional communication: school presentation
2- Communication notice: meeting school / family
3- Communication invitation: class council
4- Communication invitation: theater
5- Communication invitation: conference
In cases graphic was expected, also, the opportunity to pull the opening part of Kartostrip, which becomes a ticket, to be preserved, on which there are the most important information about the school and about the event.
Concorso nazionale:
Kartostrip - Nuove idee per comunicare.
Patrocinato dall'AIAP (Associazione Italiana Progettazione per la Comunicazione Visiva).
Vincitore secondo premio
Dal bando:
“- Arc en Ciel s.c.r.l., promuove un Concorso grafico nazionale di idee dal titolo:
Kartostrip - Nuove idee per comunicare, patrocinato dall'AIAP (Associazione Italiana Progettazione per la Comunicazione Visiva).
Il fine del concorso è valorizzare le capacità creative e progettuali di quanti sono in grado di interpretare gli strumenti di comunicazione, attraverso una visione che prediliga l'innovazione, la contemporaneità e la funzionalità sul piano grafico creativo.
- Il Concorso si configura come una competizione nazionale di idee per la realizzazione di una proposta progettuale illustrativa che rappresenti possibili applicazioni del nuovissimo brevetto Kartostrip nell'ambito dei settori: turismo, intrattenimento (eventi/fiere/locali notturni), grande distribuzione, cosmesi, pubblica amministrazione.
La proposta illustrativa dovrà considerare la Kartostrip quale strumento di comunicazione, promozione, informazione, innovativo e personalizzabile, al fine di definire nuovi scenari e nuove soluzioni per gli strumenti di promozione sia di carattere istituzionale che di prodotto. …”
Page of the magazine "Linea Grafica"
Kartostrip - 2002

Kartostrip - 2002

National competition: Kartostrip - New ideas for communicating. Second prize winner. 2002


Creative Fields