Master Thesis project after an essay on Imaginary. I decided to work on the take of the "flying car" and how I would do it.
A continuous experience of the flight, between 2 vehicles.
Two vehicles, One cockpit and One shared experience through the system.
Four pneumatic cylinders disposed on the car are used to transfer the cellule from one to the other vehicle. Both vehicles exchange information during the process
1. The car aligns
2. The car go backwards while the cell is raise, a cable remain between the car and the cell
3. Once the cell is engaged on the plane the car go front a few meters
4. The car now helps the plane take off thanks to the cable, this helps the plane preserve nearly a third of its range
One experience, between two vehicles. During the flight the cell as a transparent floor, increasing the floating sensation. A plane naturally turn changing his horizontality, thanks to the four pneumatic cylinders the car replicate that effect while turning. Since it's the same cell, the imaginary believes and the body experience the same feelings as in the plane, so the car experience actually extends the plane one.
Final Poster, 220x200cm
Much more specifications/details on this project, only main visual and concepts explained here. A lot more technical details on the system has been in thoughts.
Thank you for watching for any questions and more details please reach me.
Saab AERO 1 0 0 0

Saab AERO 1 0 0 0

Master thesis work on a saab concept. One cockpit, two vehicles, One flying experience. 2-3 month intensive work.
