iOS App for Marketing's Professional Network. Design 0-1 app to showcase work, give credit to others and connect through collaborative work. 
Information Architecture & Navigation Design
Defined the navigation flows and organized features content of an entire app so that users can reach to their end goal quickly and easily.
Evaluated different navigation/UI patterns and interaction alternatives to find the usability issues early and set better foundation for the visual design.
Designed low-fidelity prototype for the internal testing to detect browsing errors in the early stage of design.
UI Components
Set up guideline for common components and collaborated with dvelopers to start building framework and interface elements. 
Feature Exploration
Camera integration flows and interactions.

Measured actions and optimised UI based on data to improve engagement. 
Observe. Listen. Empathize. Iterate.
Building v2 of the app with more features and focusing on things that don’t work, and things that need work. 
Shocase iOS App


Shocase iOS App

Led iOS app design from architecture and interactions to visual design. Designed entire Shocase mobile App from the ground-up that gives marketin Read More
