SG Fraser
Project Goals:
To produce a Brand Identity which would indicate the companies services as well as conveying a sense of professionalism and trust.
The Idea:
The company was named SG Fraser due to the fact the two owners first initials were S & G and one was from Serbia, the other from France. This was to be subtly hinted in the Brand Identity. With this in mind I created a logo grid from the cross sections of the Serbian, French and UK flags (as it is a UK Business). From this I created a logo that I felt gave a sense of the construction industry and used a range of blues and a hint of red to subtly hint the link back to the companies origin. The upwards chevrons in the logo displayed the idea that the company was always moving forwards as well as giving the sense of erecting a site or building. 
Main Logo
Logo Grid
Brand Colours
Business Cards
Letterhead & Continuation Paper
Compliment Slip
Invoice & Folder
Presentation Folder
Folder Insert - Both Sides
All Stationary
Construction Hat
Website Pages
SG Fraser