Better Save Soil - 3D Animated Short Film

Better Save Soil
Our favorite institute for advanced sustainability studies – the IASS – commissioned us to produce a sequel to our 2012 animated film »Let’s Talk About Soil«

Although we talked a lot about soil in the first film, there are still things that needed to be addressed. As a matter of fact, fertile soil forms the foundation for our modern society. No soil – an uncomfortable life. It should be obvious that we have to do everything we can to sustain it – but a closer look around us tells a very different story.

The goal of our film is to communicate possible solutions and motivate people like you and me to change something – because even the smallest decision in our everyday lives carries weight.

IASS Potsdam
Production: uhsless
Direction, Design, Animation: Uli Streckenbach, Ronny Schmidt, Robert Pohle
Music, Sounddesign: klingklangklong
Additional Effects: Dominik Grejc
Spider-Robot-Rigging: Sebastian Werner
Conceptart - Spiderrobot
Character Studies
Better Save Soil - 3D Animated Short Film