Chad St. John's profile


This was my first design concept for my sculpture. It wasn't nearly enough commanding though so i had to change my ideas.
My second concept for a commanding sculpture. This was going to be about 7 feet tall and sit in the middle of a circular room in hopes that it would look humongous and command your attention.
This was the plan for the base of my last idea for my sculpture: a tornado. My thought was that this base would be the support for my tornado. The base was a circle (excuse my sad excuse of a circle) and the dots are wires that support the form of the tornado. 
This was my final adaptation of my commanding sculpture. The 3 foot section is an obelisk which signified power and was very commanding. Then came the tornado section as I thought it was still relivant to the project. This sculpture was going to be massive and command your attention in the center of a circular room.
This was my preliminary sculpture. As you can see the wires are teathered into the base and provide the support for the cardboard strips that make the form of the tornado.
This was my final scuplture. You can see the obelisk form as well as the tornado. If I could improve on this design I would make my cardboard worksmanship a little bit better. I was hoping this sculpture would be taller but it became so heavy that it would tip over so I had to stop.


My sculpture conveying the adjective commanding, carried on from my Building case study. We had to made a sculpture conveying the adjective from Read More


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