The Crown
This Crown was placed upon my head because many did not like that I was sharing with the people the things my father said.
My coming to this earth as a man was long ago told. My purpose is to show my father’s children the forgiving road.
Our father loves all his children, and sin is part of your human nature. I am here to show you can change your future.
You can be forgiven of your sins by accepting me as your savior and believing that I am GOD’s true son. Admit you are a sinner; ask me to Forgive your sins and it shall be done.
You must pray, read the word and keep your faith strong; the road is not easy and often is long.
Satan wants to take away all the souls from my father that he can.
This is why I came down to earth in the body of a man.
My father wants all of his children to come home to HIM and HE wants each of you to make your own choice. HE has given you a way to have ever lasting life be happy and rejoice.
It is only through me that your sins can be forgiven, and you cannot get to my father except through me. I am the way, The Truth, and The Life.
Written By
Lisa Wojcik
The Crown
The Crown

The Crown

The Painting by Cecilia Brendel, The Poem/Short Story by me.


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