Richard Pisarski's profile

SkillsUSA State & National Competition

SkillsUSA State and National Competition
SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel. SkillsUSA is built upon a foundation in which students come first, compete with other students and learn valuable life lessons along the way. Connect with others in your field of expertise and share what you know with them. This is displayed as a competition with little competitiveness inside it. Everyone wants first place, but the fact of being recognized in America as a top talent in a certain field is a good enough victory for anyone.
State Competition - Grand Rapids, Michigan
In the state competition contestants were tp design a logo and advertisement for an Art Museum that has yet to be built. It would go right in the center of Grand Rapids and serve as gallery for artists to display their work.
The Name: Center for Design
Result: 1st Place, Qualified for Nationals
National competition - Kansas City, Missouri
As expected the national competition was filled with much more talent and overall contestants. The competition was set with the same rules as the State competition, we were given a music festival to design a logo for and then create a poster. The music festival was called Summer Music Art Festival - Make a Difference Everyday. 
Result: 7th Place
SkillsUSA State & National Competition

SkillsUSA State & National Competition

This project displays my experience with SkillsUSA in 2014. I won the State competetion and finished 7th in the National Competetion.
