Doodle Diary about ordinary things and special moments that are specific for living in Amsterdam. 

...that feeling when you finally have your own bicycle :)

...and when you realise that you bought 2in1 - Bike and a RADIO!!! SO MUCH WIN! :D
That feeling when you finish your first bike ride around the town...
"Bicycle Wheel, is the first of Duchamp’s readymades—objects (sometimes manufactured or mass-produced) selected by the artist from and designated as art."

- well I have to say...after short observation - Amsterdam is full of "Duchamp's" Bicycle Wheels
..speaking about ride a bike after few beers is...let's say...sort of dangerous artistic performance (do not drink and drive!)
Weather in Amsterdam is a separate chapter....from strong winds to hot sunny day we have everything here...
average weather change ratio: 15 times per day! (facepalm)
...not only superheroes wear capes...
Even though the rain and wind on a bike's still better to take a bike than to take public transport....

But make sure you dress properly

Let's say after all the weather changes, and bike noises you make it to the city center...
you gonna be amazed by the majestic architecture!

...Until you get lost...
People in the city center have always fun...but especially on some special King's Day

Since I was already mentioning houses....Apartment hunt is everyone's nightmare....and in Amsterdam you move....A LOT!!!...
...and to have an energy for all of are some of the Amsterdam's favourite refreshments:
Bitterballen, Frietjes en Tosti Kaas :P
Tosti Ham&Kaas

Thank you for watching!
feel free to share with me your funny, bizzare stories/moments from Amsterdam ;)



Doodle Diary about Amsterdam
