Ker You Quan's profile

ID: Funeral Hall for Future Atelier (2015)

Future Atelier

Project Brief
The project called for a ritualistic space that respond to the arrival and
final send off of the new 'citizen'. Steps of the rituals of when the body
is received (for various religions like a funeral parlour that rents out
spaces to all religions  and races for the purpose of such rituals to take
place) are traced and in which to be translated into proposal.
"The design of the Funeral Hall revolves around the idea of having everyone who visits this space experience the cycle of life symbolically and to experience the rhythm of nature. Moving from the entrance on ground level to the ceremonial hall situated underground, the visitors were brought through different experiences both physically and spiritually."
The journey towards the hall which sits on a hill brings about the experience of rebooting one’s mind from the hustle and bustle of city life and in preparation for the solemn ceremony to come.
The approach and entrance towards the hall is a bit of a ladybrinth, which seeks to heighten the sense of anticipation. It was also a symbolical reference to the circle of life in which translate to the experience of one moving from the entrance, which sits on above ground level, to the main ceremonial hall which is underground.
As one treads along the curved ramp towards the ceremonial hall, they capture different view of the surrounding landscape - which eventually disappears with the structural wall replacing the landscape as the ramp delves deeper into the earth. 
As the visitor reaches the entrance of the funeral hall, the row of timer cladded column guides one towards the resting spot of the deceased. The reflecting pool at the front of the ceremonial hall was one of the extraction of the ritualistic process of having to otain water from the 'Earth God' to cleanse the body of the deceased. The pool is also useful in reducing heat level and keeping the spaces cool.
The use of the timber cladded column as one of the strong design feature guides one towards the honored deceased visually upon reaching the entrance of the funeral hall.

"The intention was to allow visitors to experience the scale of space as they move through the spaces. At the same point of time the row of timber columns were meant to frame the view and guide the visitors as they enter the funeral hall."
As one reaches the ceremonial hall, the change in spatial quality greets the visitor as an elemental surprise as well as speaks itself as a respected space.
The timber cladded column-screen allows for ventilation and visual connectivity between the guest hall and the ceremonial hall. 
"There was a need to maintain the level of connectivity between the guests and the mourning family members and at the same point of time maintain the level of respect and solemness of the whole ceremony. The solution was to create the screens which visually divide the space but retain the overall spatial quality experienced."
The offering ground for the burning of incense and paper offerings is situated next to the ceremonial hall. The triple volume space doubles as an airwell which promotes ventilation thus eliminating concerns during the process of burning of offerings. 
The private resting space of the deceased served as a temporary retreat for the immediate family members.
Scale of spatial quality from entrance into main ceremonial hall
Quality of light experienced through different passage of space - from entrance to ceremonial hall
Large opening at front of funeral hall promotes ventilation and natural lighting into space
Perspectival section A-A
Perspectival section B-B
Site plan
Basement plan
ID: Funeral Hall for Future Atelier (2015)

ID: Funeral Hall for Future Atelier (2015)

The project called for a ritualistic space that respond to the arrival and final send off of the new 'citizen'. Steps of the rituals of when the Read More
