In rhetoric, EUNOIA is the goodwill a speaker cultivates between himself and his audience, a condition of receptivity. Cicero translates eunoia with the Latin word benevolentia. 
It is also a rarely used medical term referring to a state of normal mental healthEunoia is the shortest English word containing all five main vowel graphemes. It comes from the Greek word εὔνοια, meaning "well mind" or "beautiful thinking."
Eunoia is an anthology of univocalics by Canadian poet Christian Bök. Each chapter is written using words limited to a singlevowel, producing sentences like: "Hassan can, at a handclap, call a vassal at hand and ask that all staff plan a bacchanal". The author believes "his book proves that each vowel has its own personality, and demonstrates the flexibility of the English language."
As in his sonnet "Voyelles" Arthur Rimbaud (he wrote it in Paris in the early months of 1872) find a way of representation of a smallest element of a word in particular colors, it seemed to me super interesting to analyse and connect somwhow the ideas of the thinkers from the different epochs of mankind and express it in my own way thinking and telling.
Here I have put the ideas of Rimbaud linked into the poem of Christian Bok and I changed the vowels U, O, A with the colors Ribmaud was writing about. So here are the visual representations how I found the connection of everything mentioned above. Here in the graphics the precision is absolutely maintained as I wanted to represent the poem of one poet graphically in the colors of another one.
Thank you for being interested!
Beautiful thinking

Beautiful thinking

This is a visual representations how I found the connection of "Eunoia", "Voyelles" and my understanding of a sound of the word. Here in the grap Read More
