- Translated by Nahko
- Graphics and Site Developed by You May Want
Preview of the full site is available at the link below
When Nahko told me that he was determined to tell the story of how he created the On the Verge album for the re-release of the digital and physical version, I felt this was a great privilaged.
I took my time and looked over the paragraphs of text, listened to the album in its entirety a few times over and after a few hours of brainstorming I knew that this was a massive project that was just as large as the project of him translating this story into an album to share with the world. When he told me that I was able to bring justice to not only the artistry that he created with the album while allowing his fans to gain a further understanding of story I was honored.
On The Verge


On The Verge

On the Verge a story translated by Nahko. The album was his first release as a musician and the site was created to allow his fans to get a first Read More
