Art Gallery, Music Centre & Boutique Hotel , Perth's Cultural Centre
concept. The project brings new ways for people to interact differently with art, spaces and sound. Walking along James Street, visitors are greeted by a luminous facade that canopies over the entrance. Ascending smoothly into the trajectory, visitors will suddenly find themselves inhabiting the skin of the building. As they slowly ascend up and around the building, the skin delicately warps in and flares out creating openings and dents to further facilitate not only its inhabitants, but also passers-by. The facade is not only a face, but is a dialogue between the public and private activities. It filters light, presents discoveries of certain parts of the street and galleries - - it dances.
A walkthrough around the building on the trajectory shown in a series of perspective.
Site Analysis. The Perth Cultural Centre is made up of a number of organisations in buildings that spread through a central precinct in the heart of Perth City. These include the Central TAFE, Art Gallery of WA, State Library of WA, State Records Office, WA Museum, Blue Room Theatre, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA) ,and the State Theatre of WA. The component members of the cultural centre have different purposes but all are contributors to the arts and culture scene of Perth.
William st., Beaufort st., Roe st., and Francis st. form the boundaries of the Cultural Centre. A walkway connects the Cultural Centre to Perth Train Station. The orange stroke (Beaufort st.) indicates the bussiest street, in which the design of the building facade becomes vital in the contribution to the streetscape.  
James st Elevation
James St. Section
Showing the trajectory that wraps around the whole complex.


concept. The project brings new ways for people to interact differently with art, spaces and sound. Walking along James Street, visitors are gree Read More
