Shiver me Ninja
December 2010
Shiver Me Ninja is a small iPhone game. Shiver me Ninja takes on the epic war between Pirates and Ninjas offering a new twist, and bringing the players down memory lane. SMN is a revamped game of ‘green light/red light’ using the pirates vs. ninjas meme to spice it up.

The objective of the game is to move the ninja character to the row just in front of the pirate ship  and clear the level. There are two different cycles, one where the player has to dodge the cannonballs shot from the pirate ship and another where the player has to hide when the pirate looks. Once the ninja reaches the pirate the level is over and a new one starts, becoming incrementally difficult.

Concept Design, Level Design, System Design, User Interface Design: Marta Clavero
Technical Architecture and Programming: Elwin Verploegen

Main Screen
In-game screen
Highscore Screen
Shiver me Ninja

Shiver me Ninja

As part of a 2nd year course in Client Technology we were required to create the functional design of an interactive media product and contribute Read More
