VOOC eyewear

Our mission
By creating an eyewear as souvenir, we want to make tourists experience the culture of Vietnam in a fashion way. Our eyewear is all handmade with the combination of sustainable materials and traditional craftsmanship, which will make a good souvenir and also a nice eyewear at the same time. This surely brings a new experience to the tourists.

Why dragonfly?
There is an old phrase in Vietnam about dragonfly “Dragonflies fly at low level, it is rainy; dragonflies fly at high level, it is sunny; dragonflies fly at medium level, it is shadowy” to roughly predict the weather.
Vietnamese people from a long time ago love to make phrases about their observations in order to teach children, so all the phrase always represent the culture of Vietnam. The dragonfly phrase is what we get our inspiration from. It can bring out the excellent form to create a good design,
it also represent our Vietnamese spirit, our culture.
                                                                                       THE CONCEPT
                                                                                  THE SAMPLE
                                                                               WORK IN PROCESS
                                                                                      THANK YOU
VOOC eyewear