Dion Wired

To create a campaign to advertise what Dionwired specializes in and to bring about awareness of the brand.

Dion Wired specializes in top Brands in the technology and appliance sector. The concept was to create an event that would act as a celebration of Dion Wired having exclusive sales rights to top branded products first before their competitors.
This is the logo for the event that will take place at Dion wired stores where the latest technology will be released first.
With Dion Wired having the latest technology first, they earn their right to brag. This ambient media is an exaggeration of some of the products available at Dionwired. The elevator is a  refrigerator that you walk iton and the swimming pool a 3D TV.
Print Adverts:
These print Adverts display a new form of technology on the rise called "augmented reality". The instructions act as a QR code. When the print ad is held up to a laptops web cam, a 3D image is visible.
Dion Wired

Dion Wired

A Dion Wired campaign, displaying the latest technology first.
