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Wool coated soap

Bio4 Natural, a Portuguese organic and natural cosmetics brand, is a combination of the most sophisticated production techniques and the respect for nature. To enhance the brand values, the agency developed a pure and simple packaging for its soap, which contains biological ingredients and 100% natural wool from the autochthonous breeds of the Portuguese sheep. The product is fold with a simple sheet of paper with two sewing stitches side by side. The consumer is able to see and touch the wool through a small die-cut hole in the front.

The layout is very clean, based on typography work with the charming of purple hot foil stamping. The translucent paper was the chosen one because it’s very strong and avoids any plastic or varnish protection, making the production process simpler and more eco-friendly.

Wool coated soap

Wool coated soap

Packaging for the wool coated soapof Bio 4 Natural, a brand of biological and vegetable cosmetics
