SIDNEY OPERA HOUSE with Ana Bermejo, Violeta Cester and Teresa Rodriguez        
 The mock-up of this building is the final resolution of a research about Jorn Utzon and the Sidney Opera House , in which all the ideas assimilated in the creation of the mock-up have been applied.
 Sidney Opera House is one of the precursors of iconic architecture, it is worldwide known by people who do not necessarily know about architecture. That is why, making a very realistic mock-up would not contribute anything new and it has been thought as a mock-up showing Utzon’s principles conceiving the building.
 The Opera House has a staircase to access a big platform in which all the opera
shows take place. In this way, the concert halls seem to be dug into this platform.  In the mock-up, it is understood as topography and each step belongs to a level set, as if the platform emerged from the sea being something heavy and blunt. The necessary parts to build the Opera House are dug in the platform.
 According to Utzon’s first drawings, the roofs had to be light as leaves, although these shells did not end up looking so light due to the complex structure. In this mockup, the aspect of lightness that Utzon targeted in his sketches has been achieved by using construction paper, which lets us create shapes easily.  White colour makes it highlight over the brown platform, as well as the real roofs are emphasized due to the sunlight reflection over its ceramic covering.


A new perspective on the Sidney Opera House


Creative Fields