Zer0ne is a musical artist who has a spaced out acoustic thing going on. An interesting thing about the name is that the zero and one share a letter at opposite ends so it's easy to combine the two with a common letter. And that combination was the inspiration of the mark. Now a zero and an O can be very similar. And a way to differentiate them when the resolution on screens wasn't good enough, was to add a diagonal line through the zero so you know what it was. So I started off there with my sketches, then I tried using the 1 and tilting it to represent the crossbar of the zero. Through that combination and some playing around I found a nice way to blend the two together to a simple mark that has the futuristic look the music caters towards. I made the rest of the name in Avant Garde for it's simple features with a distinct R that has a similar angle the pairs nicely with the logo.


A branding effort for musician zer0ne.


Creative Fields