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Cat's Meal - cat food providing device

Project of device providing cat's food, made as my graduation project.
It's self-sufficent in energy as it comes with a solar collector. The device is recommended for overweight cats owners (for weight control) and also for those who travel a lot and are worry about their cat feeding. The amount of food and feeding time can be easly programmed be user via the user panel (under the solar).
It has built-in dry food and water container, easy-to-wash food tray and plastic curtains to prevent cat from snacking in-between meals.
The overweight of cats is a comon problem but not everybody has time to calculate the right amount of food for their cats and to give the food at the right time. Cat's Meal helps with that.
Feeding device for cats Cat's Meal is there to simplify cats owner's life and to give cats comfort of the same feeding time even if the owner isn't around (cats like routine).
The device weights healthy amount of dry food for cats which prevents overweight. It also covers up food that cat left in the tray which keep cat away from snacking between meals.
Cat gets fresh water in the small tray thanks to gravity-based replenishment system.
Solar and built-in battery allow the device to feed cats even in case of blackout and also safe the energy.
Built-in computer allows to program feeding times and amounts, warns owner when dry food and water containers are nearly empty. It also allows to enter cat weight and calculate healty amount of food for cat.
Use of device is very easy and doesn't require bending down or squating (you just hae to pick up the trays, everything else you do on on the kichen counter).
The trays are dishwasher safe. The containers for dry food and for water are easly dismountable. The bowls in the tray are shallow so it won't irritate the cat's whiskers.
Te device is mounted on the wall or on the side of the kichen counter. You just plug it in to the energy source and using the control panel you enter the amount of food and feeding time you'd like your cat to eat. Under the tray there is a weight and if there are leftovers inthe bowl it weights them and calculate the right amount of food it needs to be added.
You can register your voice commands to encourage your cat to use the tray.
Cat's Meal - cat food providing device

Cat's Meal - cat food providing device

A graduation Project Cat Food Dispenser
