The Work Cycle
A celebration of the integration of the Bicycle into the Work Place.
The Work Cycle is an on-going web-based celebration of the Work Cyclist and their Work Cycles. There's a different kind of relationship developing at work with people falling in love with riding their bikes all over again and we wanted to explore how the Work Cycle is beginning to shape the work spaces we journey to.

The idea of this project is to produce a photo-showcase of various work spaces and how The Work Cycle is being successfully integrated into the daily office 'grind'. It's not just about clever and innovative storage solutions though, bikes propped up wherever they'll fit is just as interesting - and arguably a bigger embrace! We wanted to see a focus on the whole space and how the Work Cycle fits in.

Designed and built around our favourite CMS, the Work Cycle is as much a showcase of how flexible that CMS is to work with, as it is a showcase of our design. We've also thrown some experimental/new stuff in there too. Very nice web fonts (Futura Condensed and Garamond in case you were wondering), some great javascript effects, keyboard navigation, and a tiny sprinkling of HTML5.
The Work Cycle

The Work Cycle

A celebration of the integration of the Bicycle into the Work Place. Website, Identity, Social Media, Editorial.


Creative Fields