Character design (based on the Look-o-Look logo), lenticular cards and ‘how-to-do-that-magic-trick’ illustrations for candy brand Look-o-Look.

Kids could find a lenticular card in the candy package, on which the character performs all kinds of magic tricks with Look-o-Look candy. On the back of each card there’s a secret code, which you could use on the Look-o-Look website to get information on how the magic trick works. Fun guaranteed!
Character design:
There were 22 different magic tricks to be learned, and hence 22 different lenticular trick cards: each showing the start position of a trick, the magic moment, and the final result. I also created 5 different backgrounds to add some diversity to the look of it all:
On the Look-o-Look website the magic tricks were being revealed, using text and my illustrations:
Some random explanatory illustrations:



Character design (based on the Look-o-Look logo), lenticular cards and ‘how-to-do-that-magic-trick’ illustrations for candy brand Look-o-Look.
