Christopher Ruecker's profile

MaillinkPlus ASP.NET MVC3 Website

MaillinkPlus ASP.NET MVC3 Website
2011 - Next Generation Site to replace the PHP4 website
Still in the early stages of development, this new MVC3 website will use the latest web development technologies, such as Model-View-Controller, ASP.NET on C# .NET 4.0, and jQuery including jQueryUI and jQueryMobile.

The database is SQL Server 2008. is the data grid of choice.  AJAX will be used extensively to update data and display pages of data as requested by the user.  JSON will be used to send data from the controllers to the AJAX-enabled controls within the UI. will be used to detect and switch between views  specifically designed for PC and mobile devices. plug-in is used to display tables of data.  

Data forms from the data table will be shown using the jQuery popup plug-in.  

The jQuery popup is used here to confirm the delete process. 

(Styles and content in certain areas are still being worked on, therefore may show incorrect labels and titles.  Eventually, most content not directly coming from the database will be localized using the solution's Resource [.resx] files.)

This is an example of a form that uses its own page instead of being in a popup.  This will be necessary in some areas of the application, especially where the content in the form would exceed the ideal size of the popup viewing size. Submission of the form will still be done via the asynchronous call to the controller, and client-size and server-size validation is being done.

Custom jQuery is being used to show this drop-down navigation menu.  
(Note: I've used a different color scheme and menu item set when the user is logged on.)
MaillinkPlus ASP.NET MVC3 Website

MaillinkPlus ASP.NET MVC3 Website

This is a replacement for a PHP website done a few years ago. This one is written in ASP.NET MVC3, extensively using jQuery to enhance the user e Read More
