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letters from home. Summer 2014. Part 2.

Letters from Home.
Drawn stories.

Initially these were letters to my daughter but then they evolved into this book. This is the story of our partings.
Zazi performed an all-time jump in chase of a moth.
Cats are observing mom, eating cherries which were collected in Sima and Stepa's new house in Tarusa.
Cats with wide opened eyes are listening to dad's stories about South Korea at dinner.
Zazi sunbathed on the balcony.
It was so hot today that cats decided to take a cold shower.
Cats found a walkingstick in the fridge.
Cats went on searching after they had found walkingsticks in the fridge, under the oven and near the sink.
letters from home. Summer 2014. Part 2.

letters from home. Summer 2014. Part 2.

illustrations, painted stories, comics, stories about cats, letters from home
