Objective: Working with the team at Audit Analytics, Greg created, from scratch this Marketing piece based on a white paper provided by client. 
Client: www.auditanalytics.com
Objective: The idea was a 3 tiered direct mail campaign to market Oliver Wight's services.
Design: World’s fastest land mammal stalking it’s prey; planning.
Representing: Target market needing a plan to improve their overall business planning process.
Design: World’s fastest land mammal charging it’s prey; speed/fast-track/acceleration
Representing: Target market implementing OW’s FastTrack IBP process; focused/fast/successful
Design: World’s fastest land mammal reaping the rewards of its fast attack, and looking to horizon for next plan/seeing results; success/results/reward/moving forward
Representing: Target market seeing fast results from OW’s FastTrack IBP implementation, and seeing a stable plan over a 24+ month horizon; the beginning of what’s to come; sustainable/successful/future
Learn more at: www.oliverwight-americas.com
Objective: In an effort to represent the Nothern Forest Exports Brand, business cards and stationary were created using sustainable materials
Client: www.greencrow.com
Objective: Brand standards development. Deliver a comprehensive manual that establishes clear brand guidelines for organization-wide implementation.
Client: www.northstarfp.com
Objective: From brochures to postcards, invitations to introductions, take the client's vision and create smart, relevant, compelling collateral to continually engage customers and prospects.

Client: www.northstarfp.com

Objective: Create a compelling direct mail piece to speak to major CPG CEO's about the benefit's of using Oliver Wight's 
Sustainable business improvement services. Hint: we put their face on a wheaties box.
Client: www.oliverwight-americas.com

Objective: drive traffic and interaction with trade show booth booth at the largest business-to-business event of the year for SCU – and also to capture leads for their business services team. Theme of event: Technology and Innovation.
Experience:  Digital Scavenger Hunt using QR technology to create buzz and allow anyone with a smartphone to participate.
Client: www.servicecu.org
Objective: Offer insightful, educational events like our “LinkedIn for… (Professionals, CEOs, HR…)” series providing content-rich information and real world examples. Our expertise ranges from small, targeted events, held in our Workshop space, or on-site at your location; to full-scale marketing design and support for your tradeshows and other customer engagements.
At Savvy Workshop. We work with our clients to develop creative, multi-channel marketing campaigns and education-based marketing events that assist them with reaching their immediate and long- term goals.
Savvy Workshop

Savvy Workshop

