Alexander Lieven's profile

TalkTalk TV Walking Dead

TalkTalk TV The Walking Dead Press
After the successful launch of TalkTalk's new branding, we were asked to create the next press campaign execution. The fresh bold and chunky style illustrated TalkTalk TV's new updated offering. The art direction style and typographic design create a fun and interesting take on each week's promotion with a mixture of spirited headline copy and illustrated imagery. The colours are from the new platette to reflect the content, in this case Fox's "The Walking Dead".

Creative Director : Micky Tudor & Jimmy Hunter
Design & Art Direction : Helen Rogerson, Sam Preece & Alex Lieven
3D & Retouchng : David Turfitt & Rob Swainson

TalkTalk TV Walking Dead

TalkTalk TV Walking Dead

TalkTalk TV The Walking Dead Press
