Dag Clausen's profile

Heia deg! Aktivitetsalliansen

A campaign to inspire ordinary people to get more physically active. Heia deg, means something like "We salute you, come on you can do it". 

We have done events, facebookpages, campaign websites, TV-advertising, pr, seminars and a lot lot lot more..
Launch advertisingfilm on norwegian television and on alot of websites. Made together with copywriter Anders Molstad, Animasjonsdepartementet and Verdens sterkeste mann.
Launch event. We made a "Tour de France" cheering crowd for ordinary people cyckling to work in the morning
We made a new cheering crowd for ordinary people in the Oslo marathon in 2013-2014.
Seminar about health and physical activity for young people
we had to make motivational quotes :)
Website that collected ordinary peoples tips for where to be physical active in their surroundings
Application on our Facebookpage that generated randomly tips for physical activity. The machine made up sentences based on 500 different proverbs and so on.
norways largest newspaper coveres the campaign
we had to make even more motivational quotes :)
Heia deg! Aktivitetsalliansen

Heia deg! Aktivitetsalliansen

A campaign to inspire ordinary people to get more physically active. Heia deg, means something like "We salute you, come on you can do it".
