Saint Anderson's profile

Larger than Life | A Collective of Early Work

ImKindofABigDeal | This one was more of a test of some masking effects I was still working on but mostly creating clipped typography with Illustrator cut & gradiented abstracts.
Photo Manipulation | Even though it is one of my earliest works, this may be my favorite to date, This piece came out exactly as I had envisioned it and I felt really proud that I finally mastered manipulating the charred textures onto the skin along with the manipulation of the flames. It took layers upon layers and lots of textures to finally achieve the effect but I was nothing short of ecstatic. 
magnanimous | This piece was created after a couple weeks of studying Apophysis. I was really intrigued with fractal design and learning my way around all the controls to make my own experimental algorithms.  The name came from the idea of trying to create a deity-like figure with astrological elements. My thoughts were that an omnipresent (actually the original title) being would have to also be magnanimous; if no indifferent, to all creations.
Ohh.Emm.Gee. | Made this when I picked up my first Wacom tablet. Pretty much just getting the hang of drawing digitally.
theyllnevergetme | Inspired from my teenage angst years. Song by Drop Dead, Gorgeous "They'' Never Get Me"
Man of Nature | This was my first fully finished large piece. I made this at a time when I was creating forum signatures and at the precipice, or maybe transfiguration of myself as an artist. This was the piece that made me feel like I should take this seriously as a craft and not a hobby. 
(C) SBSCRPT | SBSCRPT Media & Design
Larger than Life | A Collective of Early Work

Larger than Life | A Collective of Early Work

Personal pieces I created in my spare time.
